
St. Ives Apricot Oil Scrub: Freshness Overload

Photo credit: St.Ives

Let me introduce you to my go-to scrub when I feel the need to slough off the dirt, the grime, the oil from my face. I am never a fan of scrubs, though, I love deep cleansing my face. However, my face is too sensitive for harsh beads of face scrubs. Good thing I found St. Ives Apricot Oil Scrub

The Apricot Oil Scrub is one of the two variants of oil scrubs from St. Ives. The other one is the Coconut variant. The difference between the two is that the apricot variant has a deep exfoliation factor while the coconut variant has a moderate one.

The product

According to its website,, the Exfoliate & Nourish Apricot Oil Scrub is the brand’s iconic-exfoliator-meets-the-nourishing-yet-makeup-melting-powers of pure grapeseed oil in the face scrub. The oil scrub infused with St. Ives’ signature apricot extract that leaves the skin soft and refreshed.

Photo credit: St.Ives

The key ingredients of this oil scrub apricot fruit extract, walnut shell powder, and grape seed oil.

The experience

Way back college days, I have used a facial scrub from Ponds which has, I think, a closer formula with that of the St. Ives Oil Scrub. Except the oil, of course.  However, it was discontinued here in the Philippines. I have never used any facial scrub since then.
However, things changed when I discovered the St. Ives Apricot Oil Scrub. As an oil scrub, the oil it contained helped the scrub beads exfoliate gentler.

Photo credit: St.Ives

Unlike the regular facial scrub, the grapeseed oil it contained helped the apricot beads exfoliate gentler than they usually do. Furthermore, it emulsifies when mixed with water, forming a foamy substance that you can lather on your skin.

As for me, I spend around two minutes massaging my face with the oil scrub but do take note that I only use this product twice or thrice a week, or if I feel like my face has a thick something covering it. I also exfoliate if I notice that the skin on my face is dull.

The verdict

I love this oil scrub. Period. After washing it off, my skin feels smooth and soft. There are times when I do not want to put in any skin care product anymore because I want to preserve that smooth and silky feeling. I would immediately notice that my skin brightened and there is this undeniable glow.

Photo credit: Watsons PH

St. Ives Apricot Oil Scrub, and the other variant, Coconut, is available online at at P467. It is also available at Watsons and SM Department Stores, and other beauty stores, drug stores, and e-commerce sites at around the same price, I guess.

What are Pimple Patch and How to Use Them

Pimple. That red, painful bump in your face that quickly appears overnight but won't go away as fast at it came. Beauty soaps, gels, creams--you tried them all, but the pimple is still there. You are hoping for, at least, the redness to go away, but it just won't. You are aching to pop it, but the rational part of your mind tells you not to, as doing so will only expose the pimple to infection. As days go by, it becomes it plumper, ready to burst with oozing pus. Yuck.

But until that day comes, that painful, red pimple becomes more painful that even the slightest touch could bring you to tears. How you wish there is an easier way to get rid of it.

What if I tell you that there are a magical tiny round and clear sticker that you can simply slap on to your pimple before you sleep and when you wake up, the redness and the soreness is reduced, if not totally disappeared?

Introducing the hydrocolloid patch, or more popularly called as the acne patch. 

What are hydrocolloid patches, a.k.a acne patch?

Hydrocolloid patches work by 'sucking out the pus' from the pimple. By wearing it overnight, it will successfully flatten the pimple and reduce the redness. You might need to repeat it for two to three nights, but this process really works. 

Pimple patches come in two kinds--the one for night use and the other one is to be used during the day. The difference mostly lies on the thickness of the patch. The one that is meant to be used during the daytime is thinner and less noticeable. It is also supposed to kind of 'disappear' when worn under makeup. 

The patch for nighttime use is thicker as it is designed to absorb more gunk and pus. As for me, I appreciate the nighttime patch that is supposed to work faster. I don't really mind if other people would notice me wearing a simple patch. 


The pimple patch works! I have tried spot treatment before. They also work but not as fast as the pimple patch. And I could not put the spot treatment ointment or gel on my pimple if I have to wear makeup or if I have to go out, as the sticky substance will surely attract dust and other pollutants that will only cause further infection of my pimple. 

Furthermore, the patch helps me prevent myself from pricking or touching the pimple. It serves as a protective covering, guarding the pimple against pollutants and unruly fingers. 


The only disadvantage that I could think of is that it can ruin one's style. Even the daytime patch is still pretty visible. Other than that, it works fine. 

Another thing is that the acne patch only works for pimples which have 'head.' If the pimple is still 'under the skin.' If the patch has nothing to absorb, it will not dry out the pimple. You will need to wait for a few more days for the pimple head to, at least, surface before you can slap on a pimple patch. Until then, you may have to chain those fingers to prevent it from pricking the 'unripe' pimple.

The Products

 I started using pimple patches last year. Since then, I have used three brands of pimple patch, and I could say a thing or two about them.

My interest in using pimple patch started when I became curious about 'the wonder that was CosRx Acne Pimple Master. I bought mine from an online seller. 

The CosRx pimple patch comes in different sizes because pimple comes in every shapes and size:-).

It is thicker than most pimple patch, and the thickness is evenly spread in the sticker. 

I only bought one pack of CosRx pimple patch so when I used all 24 patches, I was left on my own to deal with my pimples. So, I ran to the nearest Watson store, and I bought a box of pimple patch from another brand, Luxxe Organics. 

A box of Luxxe Organics Pimple Patch Night Time contains 48 stickers. It contains more patches than the CosRx, but everything comes in the same size. It is different from the CosRx in the sense that the inner middle portion of the patch is thick while the round edge is thin.

Photo credit: Watsons

After a few days, I used up all 48 patches from Luxxe Organics, so I have to repurchase another box. Unfortunately, it is not available in the Watson store that I went to. So, I chose another brand, and this time, I have the MiaCare Spot Care Patch for Day and Night. It only has 18 patches--nine for day time use and another set of nine for night time use. Its patches are the thinnest among the three brands that I have tried so far, and the whole patch is really thin, unlike the Luxxe Organics one which has a thick middle portion.

miacare spot care patch
Photo credit: Facebook/Miacare

The experience

First, I have to say that all of them really delivered. I got what I expected from them except that one is faster than the others in drying out the pimple. 

In about two to three days, my pimples dried down using CosRx and MiaCare while it only took overnight for the Luxxe Organics to work its magic on my pimples. 

I also appreciate the form of Luxxe Organics patch. Its thin edges made it possible for the patch to really 'disappear' on my face when I am wearing it. The outer surface is almost matte, so it does not look like you have a tiny, round plastic sticking on your face. You would know that the patch is already full because it turns white as opposed to translucent to almost opaque when it is fresh. The CosRx patch is pretty thick so it is really noticeable when it is on your face. 

On the other hand, the MiaCare patch is also less noticeable than the CosRx one. However, it is too sticky for me. Peeling it is quite a struggle and it hurts a bit. You can see that the skin gets pulled, as well, as you try to peel the patch off from your face. 

The Verdict

They all worked and deliver what was promised. The dealbreaker, perhaps, would be on the price. MiaCare is the most expensive among the three. For P229, you only get 18 patches as opposed to P180+ of CosRx with 24 patches and Luxxe Organics' 48 pieces at P199. 

I only tried three brands and I may not have found or tried the best pimple patch out there. How about you? Please share your best pick among the pimple patches available here in the Philippines that may be bought on physical or even in online stores. 

Distract Yourself and Curb Out That Craving

It’s been a love-hate relationship between you and the weighing scale every morning. Sometimes you wish the scale would learn to make ‘white’ lies once in a while, but the better part of you knows that the truth is the best way to go.

What makes the relationship even complicated is this one slice of chocolate cake. Yes, that moist, rich, velvety chocolate chiffon cake with toffee almond filling topped with nutty white chocolate. It’s calling you. Yes, the cake is speaking to you, whispering in your ear, controlling your thoughts…

Snap! You remember your weighing scale. Your dear, innocent weighing scale which only knows how to speak the truth. You remember, how heavy a burden you are to your weighing scale once you step on it. And, yes, you don’t want to be a burden anymore.

So, when faced with another tempting chocolate cake, here are some of the things you can do to help yourself turn away from the temptation.

Turn away and walk. Not only did you literally walked away from the temptation, but you also had the chance to move those muscles and get that blood pumping. Food cravings are most likely to hit when we’re stressed or tired. Exercise, or any form of physical activities, provides an energy boost and lifts the mood. A change of scenery from a short stroll will make you forget about the temptation and the cravings.

Breathe in, breathe out. Cravings may be likened to a strong emotional urge which can be controlled and calmed down. Try a breathing technique to pacify your cravings. Inhale for four counts, hold your breath for seven counts, and then exhale for eight counts. Repeat the breathing technique for four times. Afterward, you’ll feel calmer and more in control.

Eat the right kind of snacks. Cravings are not always the result of stress or tiredness. Sometimes, it is caused by chemical imbalance in our bodies just like when the blood sugar starts to dip. To avoid this situation, munch on a combination of complex carbohydrates and protein. This combo will not only bring up your blood sugar level, but it will also stop your hunger for sweets.

Drink water. With all the benefits and importance of consistently and continuously drinking water throughout the day, there is nothing to lose if you decide to fill up on water instead of eating. In addition to that, thirst is sometimes mistaken for hunger. By drinking your glass of water you're quenching your thirst, and at the same time, lessening the chances of mistaking that thirst to hunger.

Get that phone. We all know that mobile phones are the ultimate distraction and it is not always a bad thing. When you feel like eating a lot, look for your phone, and you may check your social media accounts, e-mail, or even that role playing game that is your current obsession.

Mind over matter and strong discipline will help you get out of a craving. These are just some tips to distract yourself from an eating streak. You may have a different way of curbing out cravings that you may want to share. What’s yours?

My Take on i-White Korea Skin Care Products

Korean skincare products are all the rave right now. As KPop invades the country, we admire the ladies' dewy, smooth, almost poreless skin. There is a wide array of Korean skincare products considering how elaborate their routine is. A usual Korean skincare routine usually involves five to ten products which will take about a minute or two for application and to set. Whew!

There are also Korean skin care lines offering variety of products for whatever skin care needs we have. One of which is i-White. This product line is available in the Philippines and can be bought at Watsons, SM Department Stores, and even at 7-11.

I was able to try some of the products. Some have worked for me and continued using it until now. However, there are also some which did not work for me. So, here are my experience and thoughts about some i-White skin care products.

Facial Wash Whitening Vita

In the form of a foam, I have tried better facial wash than this one but its a decent facial foam. It leaves my skin rather squeaky. It comes with a bottle and a sachet but I was only able to try the one in the sachet. The sachets also come in two colors--pink and blue. I am not sure about the difference, though.

Aqua Moisturizer Whitening Vita

This comes in two packaging--one in a 6ml sachet with a very cute packaging which costs P22 and another one in a 50ml tube worth P179. Both are available at Watson's.

It claims to deeply hydrate with its unique water-based formula, leaving the skin with a cool, oil-free and refreshing feeling after application. It contains natural active ingredients that helps prevent premature aging, protect the skin from cellular damage, hydrate, and maintain the firmness of the skin. 

I used this moisturizer before I put on make up because it is water-based and will be easily absorbed by my skin. Because of that, my skin is moisturized but the product will not add another layer of oil in my skin. 

I put it on immediately after bath so that my skin can lock in more moisture before I apply make up. After a few minutes, I can already see that my skin is visibly smooth especially in the areas where I have large pores. This makes the job of a primer easier. As it dries, I can feel an almost minty feeling on my skin. It's kind of scary at first because the gel is colored blue, which is really not a usual color of a moisturizer.

Facial Cream Whitening Vita

This one really whitens the face, as in literally made it white! Well, it did not match my skintone and this is not the kind to blend with the skin. It may work for others but not for me.

Pore Purifying Balm

It is a runny, gel-like substance that is white in color. It feels warm as it is applied on the T-zone. The packaging said that it should be left for a minute or two before wiping it off with a tissue. Since it is a little bit runny, it tends to slowly fall into my lips. Even without looking, I could feel that the product is already on my lips since it feels warm and kind of numbs that area of my lips.

I noticed that there are small white substance that started to show up on some parts of my nose which had visible or open, large pores. I am not sure what those things are. 

After more than two minutes of the product on my face, I swiped it off using a tissue. It is easy to remove but I need to do a somehow forceful snappy swipe, otherwise, the tissue will just spread the product to the surrounding areas.

After wiping off, my T-zone feel smoother and softer. I am not sure if the product is supposed to remove blackheads and whiteheads, but in my case, it did not. Blackheads and whiteheads are still on my nose even if the product stayed a little bit longer than it should.

Nose Pack

Just like other nose packs, this is a cream-type product that you leave for 20 minutes or more to dry, then you peel it off. I am not a fan of this types of products. I find it to be messy. I am more for nose strips which I will just slap on my nose and let it do its job. However, just like other anti-blackheads/whiteheads products that I have tried, it never really cleared my nose of blackheads and whiteheads.

White sticky substance which dries fast so you have to work fast. It easily spreads unless it starts to dry up. I always start applying products on my nose since it is the most oily part of my face and which also has the blackheads and whiteheads. Then, I spread it within my t-zone and then I do the rest of my face. 

The product has a scent which reminds of a St. Ives peel off transparent mask which has AHA that I used way back in college. I don't know if they're just the same or all mask of these kinds has the same scent. It feels minty and its cool on the face. I can have a short nap while waiting for the product to completely dry up but I can't since the product will transfer to any surface that will come in contact with my face

It is refreshing to the face though I cannot see any significant changes in my face.

What's good about i-White products is that they come in sachets which are also good as sample packs. Each sachet only costs less than P30 and comes in cute packaging. If you liked the product, some of them comes in bigger tubes costing no more than P200.

So, there you go with my thoughts on some i-White Korea products. Stay tuned for more of my adventures as I discover more skin care products which are effective for me, yet affordable and budget friendly.

Until then. Ciao!

The Wonder That is Garnier Micellar Water

Image from Garnier Philippines' Facebook Page

I have searched high and low to grab hold of a bottle of this Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water. As I rode the micellar water craze, I was faced with a lot of choices on what to try on first. At first, it was a battle between Maybelline and Loreal and I was checking reviews of the two. Then, there is this one from the brand Simple and another one from Biore. As I chanced upon an article from Project Vanity (which you can read here), I knew I got my answer. From among the five different brands of micellar water, Garnier's passed and won Project Vanity's Micellar Water Throwdown.

I have been a Garnier user for seven years now. For so many years, only Garnier touched my skin, I have used their facial foam, facial scrub, toner, moisturizer, night cream, etc. I even used their hair color to dye my mom's hair. I am loyal to the brand because I was able to see significant changes on my face since I first used it. Friends also noticed that my skin brightened since I first used their moisturizer, the first Garnier product I used. I even located my before and after facial skin shade from the scale they have in the package of their moisturizer.

So when I learned from beauty bloggers that Garnier is launching their Micellar Water in the Philippines, I was more than glad. How I wished that I was among the chosen few who were able to try their product for the first time.

I have gone to leading malls to check this product out and get one. Unfortunately, I was not able to see one. I told myself that I will not use any other micellar water but Garnier's. How many days have passed but I haven't got one yet. I even sent a message to Garnier Philippines' Facebook and Instagram account asking them where I could get one. Garnier is approachable enough to engage in a little chat with me.

I finally found one in SM San Lazaro Supermarket, the place that I least expected to find this. Watsons and the Department Store of SM San Lazaro was not carrying it that time so imagine my surprised when I found it in the supermarket.

So to cut through the chase, I bought the 125ml bottle for P149. They only have one size that time and only have the Pure Active variant, the one in the blue bottle. That was before Christmas. When I checked again this week, I found out that the pink bottle is already available at SM San Lazaro Supermarket.

So, let's get to know first what Garnier Micellar Cleasing Water offers:


Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water Pure Active
Removes make up, cleanses, mattifies
No rinse off

Face, eyes, lips,
No perfume
Suitable for oily, acne-prone skin
dermatologically and opthalmologically tested

News 1st all-in-one micellar cleansing water that purifies and removes make up in one gesture for combination and oily skin. Enriched with micelles, it captures and lifts away residue from face, eyes and lips like a magnet. No need to rub to get rid of oul/sebum, impurities and make up

The refreshing formula, without perfume, reduces excess oil without drying out.

Result: Skin is perfectly clean, fresher, and comfortable

The Encounter

I poured the micellar water to a cotton pad which I applied in my eye area first, much like how you would use a cucumber in your eye area. I let it sit for a minute without rubbing the cotton pad. That time, I am wearing a Maybelline Hyper Curl Mascara, Fashion 21 Mascara, and Loreal Auto Liner on my brows. As I lifted the cotton pad, I could see the outline of my wingliner, mascara--how it was applied on my lashes--and a trace of eyebrow product that I used. Turning the cotton pad over, I swiped my eye area with a gentle motion and in one or two movements, the products were lifted off my skin!

What's more amazing is how it was able to lift the henna wax stain on my ear and neck. I was then applying henna wax treatment on my hair as some of the product run on my ears and neck. It was a colored henna wax so the stain is really visible and awkward. It had already dried and a soap and water solution was not able to erase the stain. I tried to use the Garnier Micellar Water and the rest is history.

The Verdict

The Garnier Micellar Water really delivered on its promise to remove make up easily. I only use it to remove make up on my eye area since this is where my make up is usually heavy and concentrated. If I have no time to do my complete skin care routine, or if I am so tired and could not even wash my face, I just apply the micellar water on my face and just swipe it off. It did not dry my face and I could feel that it is moisturized. The product is also effective in removing even my long lasting lip colors without smudging it.

So, this is my experience with Garnier Micellar Water. Please do remember that my experience might be different from yours as we have different skin types and chemical formation. It is still best to consult a dermatologist on what products will soothe you.

Stay tuned for more of my adventures in exploring make up world!

Until then. Ciao!

Maybelline Creamy Matte in Touch of Spice
A girl can never have too many lipsticks.

With lots of shades, formula, prices, etc., a lipstick is one of a girl's bestfriend. And as for me, there's always a room for one more. And another one. And more.

I was actually planning to buy either Nude Embrace or Clay Crush but found out that I looked too washed out with both. Then I found Touch of Spice, then the rest is history.

I think the collection is supposed to be brown nudes but these shades turned out pinkish for me. Touch of Spice became mauvey when I applied it to my lips and I like how it matches with my skintone.

There's a thing about nudes that refreshes my whole face. I found myself looked more youthful and uplifted when I wear nothing but nude lipstick.

On the other hand, it brings a new level of drama if I wear it with darker or heavier shades of eye make up.

As usual, Maybelline Creamy Mattes has a very "creamy" formula that makes the lipstick glide smoothly along the lips. It also has a good color payoff that one swipe of the product is already nice. It does not dry the lips and transfer minimally upon contact with other surfaces, and most importantly, the color stays for a few hours on the lips before fading beautifully without leaving any lines or streak of color along the outline of my lips.

My Pimple Fighting Duo: Clean and Clear Acne Marks Cleanser and Celeteque Acne Spot Corrector Gel

I've been having breakouts lately and because I have asthma of the skin, these pimples leave marks on my face. So, I went to SM Department on a hunt for an effective skin care regimen to get rid of these pimples.

I encountered different pimple fighting products from different brands with ingredients popular for their pimple drying properties.

Based on what was written on the products themselves, I chose two different products--an acne spot corrector and a facial wash. I am aware that most of the time, what was written on the product packaging are mere results of a carefully laid out marketing plan for that product. But I also know that there are well-known brands which are true to their claims and can deliver results efficiently.

I also chose those products which are affordable since I will be trying them for the first time.

So, here are the two products which I chose and may have the potential to help me with my pimple breakout. (crossing fingers!)

Celeteque DermoScience Acne Solutions Acne Spot Corrector Gel with Hydroxy Acid

5ml, P169

How it works?

  • Uses beta hydroxy acid (BHA) combined with poly hydroxy acid (PHA), which aids in exfoliating dead skin cells and helps in diminishing pimples and other acne imperfections to achieve clear and smooth skin
  • Contains lilac leaf cell culture extract that helps reduce sebum production to prevent future acne breakouts
  • has a biotechnological complex that acts as a natural astringent and sebum controller
Proven and backed-up by a double-blind clinical trial conducted among women aged 35-60 years old

Clean and Clear Acne Marks Cleanser

50g and P98

Oil free
Won't clog pores

Helps fight acne causing bacteria and reduce acne marks for visibly clearer skin from Day 1
goes beyond ordinary cleansing to quickly help clear acne and its marks. The unique formula combines powerful anti-acne  and anti-bacterial ingredients to help eliminate acne at the source. A powerful new solution that fights acne and fades acne marks without overdrying skin.

The Verdict

I am happy that I picked Celeteque Acne Spot Corrector Gel to help dry out my pimple fast. In a span of two days, my pimple is gone. I apply it in the morning and in the evening though I apply more gel during the night time and let the gel dry on the pimple itself before I apply moisturizer on my face, carefully avoiding the pimple being treated. I will wake with the top layer of the pimple slowly peeling off from my skin until it eventually dries out. Upon application, I felt a little sting. I thought that its maybe the product working against the bacteria on the pimple.

The gel does not dry out fast, though. I have to wait for the product to dry down for some minutes before I could lie down, or risk it transferring to the beddings. It also has a a scent that is not too strong but is easily noticeable.

The Clean Clear Acne Marks Cleanser, on the other, has not yet proven to me its acne marks clearing prowess though it works well as a cleanser. It is  semi-transparent with occasional specks of blue which I think is a scrub. I can see that my complexion brightens after washing my face with it and the pimple marks fades slowly.

I could say that these products did not disappoint me and that its was well worth the price.

These are my own experience while using these products and please do remember that results may vary among different people. It might work well with you or may not. Just be careful of trying out new stuff especially if you're using it on your face.

Stay tuned for more of my adventures as I discover skin care secrets.

Until next time!

Pictures from and www.

About Me

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a hopeful soul with a penchant for something new constantly learning and discovering new things; not an expert on anything; just trying to find the most peso-worthy item out there which best fit the needs of a budget-conscious, kikay mommy like me; what's written here are just my own views and opinion and is not meant to promote or discredit anything or anyone. these words express how i see, how i felt, and how i experienced things. happy reading!
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