
Sangobion Syrup Iron Supplement

Bebelot has been taking this iron supplement for a month now and he has already finished one bottle. Pedia said that I should give him this for two months. We are now in second bottle.

The last time we visited the pedia, Bebelot was not really eating and sleeping well during the past few days. I told pedia about this and she told me to give iron supplement to my baby since he might not be able to get the right amount of iron in the food he takes, if ever he does eat. 

So I bought this Sangobion Syrup in Mercury Drugstore. It was not cheap compared to other vitamin supplements and the 100 ml bottle costs P315. According to the label, it contains ferrous gluconate and Vitamin B Complex and it is Hematinic. The website says that hematinic means improving the quality of the blood and an agent that does the increasing of the hemoglobin levels and the erythrocytes (one of the elements in the blood).

This product from Merck addresses iron deficiency anemia in children; latent insufficiencies of iron and of the B Vitamins during the growth period, iron deficiency after loss of blood, in chronic illnesses and during convalescence.

It is hard to give Bebelot any vitamins or medicines. The struggle is real! :-) We used a syringe to make him take the syrup orally. After taking the iron supplement, the syringe smells like kalawang. I was glad that the syrup does not taste that way though it kinda leaves an after taste like that of a kalawang. I let Bebelot eat three pieces of M&M's to take away that after taste.

According to its website,, ferrous gluconate offers iron deficiency treatment with less metallic aftertaste than ferrous sulfate. It is also better absorbed and gentler on the stomach and has less gastrointestinal side effects than ferrous sulfate.

Anyway, after some weeks of taking this supplement, I noticed that Bebelot was able to sleep throughout the night. Prior to taking Sangobion, he would usually wake up at around 2 or 3am and go back to sleep again. He also sleeps late. There are times that the lights are already turned off for quite some time but he is still awake. He is also eating quite well compared before but I have not yet seen any remarkable improvement in his appetite.

Stay tuned for more of my mommy adventures!

*Image from


  1. Individuals take iron supplements for treating low levels of iron.The best iron supplement should contain a type of iron that doesn't cause reactions.There are many Iron syrup manufacturer in India that provides products which are ofsuperior quality and cost effective.

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a hopeful soul with a penchant for something new constantly learning and discovering new things; not an expert on anything; just trying to find the most peso-worthy item out there which best fit the needs of a budget-conscious, kikay mommy like me; what's written here are just my own views and opinion and is not meant to promote or discredit anything or anyone. these words express how i see, how i felt, and how i experienced things. happy reading!
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