
Distract Yourself and Curb Out That Craving

It’s been a love-hate relationship between you and the weighing scale every morning. Sometimes you wish the scale would learn to make ‘white’ lies once in a while, but the better part of you knows that the truth is the best way to go.

What makes the relationship even complicated is this one slice of chocolate cake. Yes, that moist, rich, velvety chocolate chiffon cake with toffee almond filling topped with nutty white chocolate. It’s calling you. Yes, the cake is speaking to you, whispering in your ear, controlling your thoughts…

Snap! You remember your weighing scale. Your dear, innocent weighing scale which only knows how to speak the truth. You remember, how heavy a burden you are to your weighing scale once you step on it. And, yes, you don’t want to be a burden anymore.

So, when faced with another tempting chocolate cake, here are some of the things you can do to help yourself turn away from the temptation.

Turn away and walk. Not only did you literally walked away from the temptation, but you also had the chance to move those muscles and get that blood pumping. Food cravings are most likely to hit when we’re stressed or tired. Exercise, or any form of physical activities, provides an energy boost and lifts the mood. A change of scenery from a short stroll will make you forget about the temptation and the cravings.

Breathe in, breathe out. Cravings may be likened to a strong emotional urge which can be controlled and calmed down. Try a breathing technique to pacify your cravings. Inhale for four counts, hold your breath for seven counts, and then exhale for eight counts. Repeat the breathing technique for four times. Afterward, you’ll feel calmer and more in control.

Eat the right kind of snacks. Cravings are not always the result of stress or tiredness. Sometimes, it is caused by chemical imbalance in our bodies just like when the blood sugar starts to dip. To avoid this situation, munch on a combination of complex carbohydrates and protein. This combo will not only bring up your blood sugar level, but it will also stop your hunger for sweets.

Drink water. With all the benefits and importance of consistently and continuously drinking water throughout the day, there is nothing to lose if you decide to fill up on water instead of eating. In addition to that, thirst is sometimes mistaken for hunger. By drinking your glass of water you're quenching your thirst, and at the same time, lessening the chances of mistaking that thirst to hunger.

Get that phone. We all know that mobile phones are the ultimate distraction and it is not always a bad thing. When you feel like eating a lot, look for your phone, and you may check your social media accounts, e-mail, or even that role playing game that is your current obsession.

Mind over matter and strong discipline will help you get out of a craving. These are just some tips to distract yourself from an eating streak. You may have a different way of curbing out cravings that you may want to share. What’s yours?

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a hopeful soul with a penchant for something new constantly learning and discovering new things; not an expert on anything; just trying to find the most peso-worthy item out there which best fit the needs of a budget-conscious, kikay mommy like me; what's written here are just my own views and opinion and is not meant to promote or discredit anything or anyone. these words express how i see, how i felt, and how i experienced things. happy reading!
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